Friday, December 5, 2014

The DL on Botox

1. I don't know why people don't talk about getting botox. What's the big deal? Talk about it. Ya, weirdos. 
2. It obviously makes you look younger but botox is meant as a "preventive care" option meaning you don't get botox when you are 70 yrs old and have deep wrinkles everywhere. You get it at the beginning of your wrinkles (for some 24, 28, 30, 34 whenever based on *your genetics) and maintain getting botox every 3 months so that in the future you do not have deep routed wrinkles but instead, have nice smooth skin.
3. There is no way around going every 3 months. If you don't get Botox, the wrinkles come back. Period.
4. It's a needle. It doesn't feel great but it's quick and is over in a *pinch. Done. (*Unless you get it all over the place, then it probably hurts. I only do my crows feet.) 
5. Get ready to empty your pockets. Again, again, not cheap. The best places range from $12 + per unit and even on people like me, who do only a few units its easily $200 a pop. 

 I HATE this picture. Obviously, no filter. Jesus.

No Filter, same lighting.
The End.


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