My personal goal is to say, that I am not a size 0. Many of my friends are and they may contribute to the blog. However, I range from a size 2 to an 8. I have a tiny waist and a full top. My measuremens are: 38 - 29 - 39. I hope to inspire admiring your own shape and to promote dressing for yourself. I am proud of my ultrafeminine style and look. Hopefully, you won't mind!
Much love and fashion,
Jackie xx
[Top: Nastygal, size: L/Skirt: Express, size: L/Nastygal headband]
Jackie's Stats
Age: 21 (Forever. Thanks Mom, for my youthful genetics.)
Height: 5’4 in Flats and 5'8 in Heels
Shoes: 7 ½ or 8
Jacket: S, M or L
Shirt: M or L
Pants: M or L
Dresses: 2 - 8
*Fashion Tips:
1. Don't look at the size. Wear what fits and is comfortable. It doesn't matter if the tag reads size: 2 or a size: 14.
2. Don't worry about what everyone else is wearing. I adore skinny jeans. They look horrendous on me. When I go to Williamsburg, what is everyone wearing? Skinny jeans. Am I? No.
3. Just because you like it, doesn't mean it looks good on you. I would kill to be a super light blonde with a Marilyn Monroe style bob and big curls. I dream about it. Guess what? My hair is thick, damaged, curly and I look ridiculous as a light blonde.
4. Don't got straight for the 'Women's' section. Look around a bit. My grandmothers high waisted blue pants would have always looked amazing on me had I even realized that I could venture into that section.
5. Be true to yourself and no one else. I mentioned before that I like cleavage. Not everyone feels this way. Do you know how many times friends and relatives shave aid, "Put on a jacket" or "Here, take my sweater"? Sure...if you are in church or giving someone a heart attack...put the 'When in Rome' motto to work. Otherwise, the second you are back around the people who embrace you for who you are, take the jacket off, brush off the remarks - and think, they don't really know you that well.
*Plus, we have a short amount of time without wrinkles.
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