Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall: Street Fashion - "Hannah" on the Upper East Side, NYC

As an intense girly girl, I can openly say when someone is gorgeous. When I ran into Hannah on the Upper East Side, I had no choice but to stop and ask to take her photo.

Street Fashion - Hannah

Hannah's Stats
Age: 21
Height: 5’7
Shoes: Target (7 ½)
Pants: American Apparel (S)
Jacket: Target (S)
Shirt: Necessary Clothing (S)

What I really dig about this look is her ability to pull off the masculine blazer with the edge of the American Apparel pants. This transitions from a chilly summer night to Fall in a graceful yet very Manhattan way. I also think it’s important to note Hannah’s stats. Not everyone can pull off this look (myself included). Please recognize your body and embrace what will highlight YOUR best asset. For Hannah, her legs are LONG. Thus, her ability to pull of what might be an inappropriate look for some – in a very stylish and appropriate way for her and her shape.

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