Wednesday, October 8, 2014

You MUST cut YOUR hair when you turn 30 +

You MUST cut YOUR hair when you turn 30 + because you are now OLD! First of all, this is crap. There is no age that permits any length of hair verses another. I understand appropriate verses inappropriate but that is not what we are talking about here. We are talking about feeling like 'you are now mature' or are supposed to be, and you now must turn your back on what actually suits you and cut your hair. (*Assuming short hair or a bob doesn't look rockin')

I hope we can all agree that this rule has long since faded or else, Cindy Crawford would not be Cindy Crawford. (*My point being that she does not have a dull bob or a cut that does not suit her and she is 48 years old)

Please see my below phases of cuts and age (*try and keep the laughing to a minimum - just kidding, laugh away!):

Age: 5ish
Above: My hair in its natural state. Frizzy and medium brown, roughly shoulder length. Clearly killing it in this photo, modeling was obviously in my future.

Age: 10ish
Above: My hair in its natural state, controlled due to the length. Not as frizzy and medium brow, length is long. Not killing it in this photo.
Since I am taking these photos from facebook, there is a long gap in time (consider yourself lucky) in which I had auburn hair, a full process blonde dye job (horrible), white hair (yes, white) and dark brown. Around the age of 18 years old, I had finally learned that if you have no money, go very dark and bottle dye it until you do - I went black.
Age: 24
(Note: My hair was this way for at least 10 years)
Age: 25/26
(Got a cut and bangs i.e. will never work that hard for hair EVER again)
Age: 27
Experimenting Phase (appears once again):
Age: 28
I loved my hair blonde. No one else did.
Age: 28 - forever
And, this would be my normal hair color and length since I found out about ombre and not having to dye my roots.
Summary: Long hair is okay at any age. If you do a bob, make sure you look exactly like Anna Wintour.

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